Saturday, November 7, 2015

On Music

Every vibrating object has a property: It produces Sound.  The force with which the vibration has been caused determines the loudness of that sound. Each and every object has its own essence: its own form that is. That form determines the frequency of the sound and that very form determines the timbre.  If we take a glass and strike it with our fingers, we get a certain type of sound resulting from the form of both the finger and the glass. Same part of the finger and the same part of the glass will always produce the same frequency.  Meanwhile, if we take a steel spoon and strike it on the glass, then we will get a different sound; different frequency; different timbre.  The form has changed, hence frequency has changed; the timbre has changed. Two different forms can create the same loudness, same frequency; hardly the same timbre.
We can safely assume that every changing object will vibrate; any movement will create vibrations.  We hear sounds everywhere, but we call that music, in which we find patterns; regular patterns. In a random striking of nails to the walls, we conceive no such thing as music; but if we were to strike the nail in a certain pattern as {1,12,123,1234; 1,12,123,1234,1,12,123,1234…} we can conceive it as music. So, generally speaking, Music is simply sounds arranged in a particular pattern. If we look around, we can see such patterns in everything; not just in sounds. The idea itself is a pattern of thoughts; Electricity is a pattern of electrons made to behave in a certain way; a house is a pattern; Flying is a pattern; Language is a pattern; Feelings are patterns. It’s with the latter that music is concerned with.
Now, feelings change. Feelings have a certain essence so we can safely say that feelings too vibrate. If we are to consider feelings as a static thing as say, a table; then it won’t take long for us to realize that we are wrong as we create movements in our feelings all the time by the aid of thoughts. We induce feelings in us, we try and remove feelings in us; we mostly use thoughts for that purpose. Hence, we play with our feelings. Logically, it would imply that feelings do vibrate and hence create sounds.  It has frequencies.
All of us must have noticed that affect when two similar frequencies strike together; same FM stations playing in different shops, same note stroked in different musical instrument, etc. That collision or combination produces a kind of relief; signifies a kind of unity. This is exactly what happens with music and our feelings. Every feeling resonates with a certain frequency, when we imitate that very feeling (as a frequency) via our throats or via any device; we feel relieved. This is where we get that affect from notes; tones; melodies.
Now, regarding rhythms; Rhythm is as simple as counting. Rhythm is pattern personified. Usage of patterns to force a kind of entertainment, or amusement or restlessness/release, is rhythm in music. Rhythms work best when it can create a perfect restlessness/release.
Most of us use music for nostalgia; realization. With every floating melody we tend to drift into our own old/new memories or into our own goals/ideas. Both memories and ideas contain feelings; hence we yet again find relief through that unification. The use of words as lyrics further provokes our desire to drift to such adobes. Such use of music has been made in cinemas, etc. for ambiance and advertisements, etc. for manipulations. A set of melody necessarily induces a feeling of similar frequency within us which therefore results in a different behavior/thought pattern in us. Watching a horror cinema without sounds would prove how much soundtrack has been affecting us. Watching a commercial without sounds would prove that too.
Now, the most common feeling in us is related to love as of lust; romance; desperations; separations; infatuations; attractions; or we suppose such. Therefore, the most common music we hear around us is too the music which resonates such feelings. Here again, the cinema industry or the advertisement agencies come into play. They want their product to be consumed; for that they need to affect people in such a way that products will be able to affect people. The sudden excitement that music provides is used in perfect way to fulfill their desires. Although, unity of such feelings and melodies soothes us for a while, those feelings will continue providing restlessness to us on the long term.  To understand the people of a town or a city, the easiest way is to listen to the most common type of music that resonates in such place. If not consciously then sub-consciously music is affecting us; sounds are affecting us.  Every note of boring, restless melody is making us feel bored and restless. Nepali Dohori is one such type of music. Every note of exciting melody or lustful melody is making us feel desperate, lusty and stupidly excited; most of Bollywood music is such type of music that has all the unnecessary and manipulative notes in its arsenal. Some feelings; we are better off without; the two type of music mentioned above is bombarding our environment and are not letting us move beyond such feelings. Such music is not only making us bored, but at the same time is not letting us explore our own-selves and hence our own music.  It’s the same with other sounds; we ignore sounds as noise most of the time but every single noise is affecting us likewise; mostly non- voluntarily. These sounds resonate truth so; they are not harmful; for at the most they will define what is going on outside of us.
Music is one such that has always remained with us and will continue to do so. It is the best way to understand ourselves and likewise the things around us; being entertained at the same time through unforceful act. We tend to use music on every single occasion to share, express, realize, enjoy according to the feeling of the occasion. We need music because we need to be with our own selves. No music would imply dumbness, dullness.  We need music In order to be and enjoy our own-selves; our own essence. Music has the power to illustrate truth. These are the facts that our society seems to have never considered. This lack of considerations has resulted in excessive foreign music playing in our society; therefore excessive alien feelings in us. For those who consider music to be a waste; well, music is like a cigarette to a smoker; it may not be considered the most important thing; it doesn’t have to be considered as such but without it the most important things doesn’t remain important. This is the reason why Music has existed for so long even though important things such as palaces and castles have fallen down.  
So, the best way of finding pure music that resonates with the inner essence and feelings is not through imitations, note rotes, instrument mastering, false pretentious desires: showmanship desires, desires to be as famous or wealthy as someone, desire to impress the opposite sex, etc. but through pure understanding of the internal self; of the feelings and of the essence; through intuition.      

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