Monday, November 2, 2015

Are our lives supposed to be complex?

Confusions, Anxieties, Tensions, Problems, Frustrations, and Irritations: at times grasp us so strongly, we feel claustrophobic and get lost in what we perceive as a vast, unknown, technical and complex world. Some emotions dwell within us so profoundly that we forget every other thing that lies around us and get lost in our selves; our own thoughts. But is our life supposed to be that complex? Isn’t our lives simple, can’t it be simple and easy?
Let us imagine a piece of wood lightened by a fire. The fire is burning strongly. The moment we pour water into the wood, the fire ceases to be. It is exactly the same with us, the ‘thing’ that keeps us going, gives us life; let us call that life itself. That life is like that fire. Just like the woods property of not burning due to water our body has a property of not ‘having life’ due to some kind of organ malfunction. Of course, dried wood ignites fire yet again but in our case we are yet to find the process via which our bodies can be brought back to life again. The point is, our bodies come with natural life, the moment that life departs, the body becomes merely flesh, bones, muscles, etc. Fire makes the wood burn and hence at one point vanish (turn to ashes); the life makes our body grow and at one point diminish (die). Without fire, the wood would remain the same, at time decaying due to natural phenomenon; without life, our body too would remain exactly the same only to decay at time due to natural phenomenon.
Now, fire has a desire: In built desire to be and provide heat and light. The life too has a desire: In built desire to be. Moving ahead from the fire analogy, the life in its purest form has its essence and wills. The life wills to keep on being, like every other object and for that it dwells on the body. Body with only life and desires can do nothing, it would only exist in essence and in oneness with every other life; this is where our almighty brain comes into play. What the brain does is simply provide a connection between an individual body, outer objects and the life form. This is where self-consciousness comes into life and the body becomes ready to live and for that desire to live. Life in itself has instincts: it knows what it wants but cannot see any connections with outer objects; the brain then starts to provide connections and henceforth ways from which the wants of life and body can be fulfilled. In this regard, the brain performs only the objective or technical functions in our lives. It is then, the fulfillment of life’s desires that the brain works for.
Now, due to some reason (some un-understood reason from my side) our life and body form started desiring the abstracts; beyond mere sustainment of life form that is (The same way four-legged mammals seem to have more desire than trees; the ‘desire of movement’ is one evidence of that). I had mentioned common words such as confusion, anxiety (Complexities) at the beginning; this is where such complexities begin to form. If we were to live simply for ‘living’ and our brain’s only function was to find connection between ‘we’ and ‘others’ and hence find ways to fulfill that ‘living’, we can all agree on the fact that we would be perceiving life as simple, un-complex, easy, straightforward; barring a little conflict of desires for external object forms with others. But since we cannot merely ‘desire to live’, we contain many desires, such desires come in conflict with other individual's desires. The only way desires are fulfilled are through works (Work is anything done that takes one towards the path of desire fulfillment) and many a times such work include external objects. Since we share territories with others, our work and paths come in conflict with one another. Here, the brain’s primary purpose is disturbed, it was to exist only to seek the connection for life but now it becomes no longer limited to that. The process it devised no longer worked because of conflicts with other life forms and brains; hence the brain lost its core essence.
Once the brain has gone out of track and out of its duty, it starts doing strange things. Just like what a chicken would do if it was hanged upside down. The brain wanders and roams around still searching for connections; ways to fulfill desires. If it finds some of it, at times ethical values or laws or relationships come in its path. Hence, more confusion and that is where we start perceiving complexity. It is merely due to our inability to fulfill desires. The wandering brain can be made to forget its life form’s desire and perceive some other connection as its desire by the use of force or manipulation; this is what taming is. The life form too comes at rest at this function as new desires now have been cultivated.
Now to the question: Is our life supposed to be complex? Yes. Can’t it be simple? No. Simple life would imply brain working for merely life-form sustainment or living. But, we ‘desire’ to live not at its simplest form: living that includes interest manifested work or desire fulfillment paths.  
Because we have become so interdependent on each other for every simple and single thing, every individual’s desire fulfillment with harmony with others or without hindrance from others seems impossible. But, there is a breathing space: The money hungry corporations and power hungry governments/politicians/ religious chiefs are working at it. They inject new desires into us through manipulations and deceptions; the desire being serving them. The core desire of our life-form than is becoming something like ‘desire to consume and obey’. The rules are all set and all we have to do is follow them, the brain’s work too is cut-out, hence it too stays at peace. This method is making our lives simple, as it has given us guidelines on How to live, what to think?  How to think? The brain simply has to obey and follow their guidelines. 

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