Monday, February 27, 2017

Yes we can!

So when they tell you:
You can do it!
its difficult to admit,
but they're correct:
We all can do it!
we all are like those copper wires;
every single copper wire can do it (electricity conduction).
We are the same,
every single one of us can do it
Whatever be our definitions of it!
We are made to do it,
Rather It itself was made with us under consideration
and we will, no matter how hard we try:
never be able to will to do that 'it',
which is beyond our limitations.
It's only weakness that makes us believe elsewise
Enamel does that to copper too!
Weakness for us is unnatural or forced.
We just need to burn off our enamels...
and then,
Yes we will do it
for it pertains on the nature of us to do it.

Tale of some man.

And slowly but surely
as the days go by...
A man gets used to a lot of things:
Rejections and deceptions and anxieties from women
Heartaches from his failures
The wanna be and so-called musicians, celebrities!
The all important diplomatic bastards
The posers, the pretentious'
The dogs wails' and all so many things...
He gets tired of trying,
and every burden
every feeling he has ever had to bear!
He gets used to adversity
not before calling it worse than death itself
and so...
He gets used to death itself.
Yes he gets used to death too,
and then...
he gets tired of life
and everything it possibly contains!
nothing matters to him anymore:
Absolutely Nothing!
He then merely passes his time,
looks around and tries to understand
Yet he understands nothing!
and then he gets used to not understanding too...
And then he understands.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Specific Works

The big cats and
Poets a poem compose...

Two cigarettes better than a friend

Twenty rupees in my pocket:
that's all!
Two full cigarettes if kept unbroken
A friend waiting outside
A smoker too...
Meet him and share
Or smoke alone with contemplative stare
I chose to not meet him!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

जंगलमा फोटोग्राफर

शहरका नाटक कति खिच्नु भनेर फोटोग्राफर श्रीराम आफ्नो क्यामरा बोकेर जंगलतर्फ हिँडेको छ

हिँड्दैछु आज यो जंगलको बाटो
कोही छैन केवल म र देशको माटो
रुख छन् हरिया, छैनन् कतै चरा
एक्लो छु म त म र मेरो क्यामरा

श्रीराम सबैतिर हेर्छ,  केही फोटोहरु लिन्छ।

फोटो खिच्न लायक यहाँ केही छैन
लाईक बीना मनले पाउँदैन चैन
बाघ न भालु केही रै'न्छ यहाँ
सुन्दरता खोज्न दैव, अब जाउँ कहाँ!

निकै बेर वरपर डुलिसकेपछि थकित भएको श्रीराम एउटा रुखको मुनी बस्छ। आँखा चिम्म मात्र के गरेको हुन्छ, उसले जंगल भित्र कतै आवाज सुन्छ 

के हो यो कहाँबाट यो के आवाज आयो
के फेसबुकमा राख्न अब फोटो पाईयो
मान्छेको जस्तो, तर छैन स्पष्ट
के यसले सुल्झाउला त मेरो यो कष्ट!

श्रीराम जुरुक्क उठी, आवाजको पछाडी दौडिन्छ। एउटा ठाउँमा उसले दुईटा कुकुर देख्छ। एउटाले घाँटीमा बेल्ट बाँधेको छ

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
के यार तँ यस्तो दुःख मा बाँचिरा'
यस्तो बोधो ठाउँको कष्ट सहिरा'
हिँड दाजु-भाई सँगै बसौँला
गाऔँला-हासौँला मिठो-मिठो खाऔँला

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
जान्न तँ सँग यहीँ नै म ठिक छु
गु चाट्नु भन्दा त भोको नै मर्छु

श्रीराम छक्क पर्छ 

के अचम्म को कुरा यो देखियो
कुकुर चलाउँदै छन् मनुष्य झैँ जिब्रो
फोटो खिच्न सके लाखौँमा खेलिन्थ्यो
पत्र-पत्रिकामा मेरै नाम छापिन्थ्यो
बोल्ने कुकुर पत्ता लगाउने विद्वान
भनी कहिलिन्थ्यो देश विदेशमा नाम
तर कसरी पो खिच्ने यिनको तस्विर
देखे सिद्दाउलान् मलाई नै नहुँ ऐले नै वीर

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
के भो' त यार अलि-अलि चाटेर
के-के पाइन्छ तब तैँ हेर आएर
जाडो-गर्मी-पानी सबैबाट बचिन्छ
जे-जे भन्यो तै-तै मजाले खाइन्छ

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
हैन म जंगली यहि मेरो घर
म जाँदिन बुझ यो गर्न छाड् कर
बाबा-अंकल जाँदा त म यहिँ अँडे
गु चाट्नु भन्दा त भोक नै सहेँ

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
आमाले सम्झिन्छिन् कति धेरै तँलाई
छोरो ल्याईदे भनी पठा'कि हुन् मलाई
बाँच्नको लागि जे पनि गर्नु पर्छ
नत्र यसरी नै दुब्लाई मर्ने डर छ

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
मलाई त्यस्तो केही रहर नै छैन
खरायो मुसाले नै पाउँछु म चैन

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
तेरो कुरा पनि कति अचम्मको
तेहिँ पुग्न सब्ले गर्छन् जमर्को
तँ भने चैँ मौका मिल्दा नि आउँदैनस्
यस्तो ताल ले सुख कहिले पाउँदैनस्

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
यहाँ राजा जस्तो बस्न छाडेर
को जान्छ त्यहाँ स्वाभिमान तोडेर
खुला भई घुम्न मै मलाई सोख छ
यो सानो जंगलमै मेरो सबथोक छ

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरले आँखा चिम्म गरेर लामो सास लिन्छ

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
के भा'को तिमरु यस्तो जीवन छाडी
किन जान्छौ तयहाँ हिँड्न पेटी बानी
नाच-गान कुदाई सबै गर्न पाइन्छ
मान्छेलाई अत्याउँदा मजा आइहाल्छ
यस्तो छाडी गयौ शहरमा बाँच्न
मान्छेकै चाकडी गरी उसको इसारामा हाँस्न
मान्छेको आफ्नो फाइदाको निम्ती
दौडाउँछन् ए हामीलाई फर्कि गर्छु विन्ती

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुर केही बेर टोलाउँछ

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
यस्तो लाई तँ रमाईलो भन्दैछस्!
हाहा! यो हेर्न तयार भै'बस्

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरले आफ्नो बेल्टबाट आई-फोन निकाल्छ 

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
त्यहाँ यस्तो विधी चलाउन पाइन्छ
जस बाटै सारा संसार देखिन्छ
देखाउँछु एउटा कुरा हेर्न तयार हो
त्यसपछि के गर्छस् तेरै मर्जी भै'भो

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरले एउटा अश्लील भिडियो देखाउँछ। बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुर ट्वाल्ल परेर भिडियो हेर्छ

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
के हुन्छ र यस्तो कुरा लाई हेरेर
अरुको संभोग प्रकृयामा आँखा गाडेर!

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
के हुँदैन भन् न यहि सबथोक
यस्तो हेर्न-गर्न थाले'सि बिर्सिइन्छ भोक

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
यस्तो हेरेर नि' केहि हुन्छ र कहीँ!
छाउरा चाइया' छैन, ठिक छु म एक्लै

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
धत् लाटा छाउराको लागि हैन यो
यो त उताको मोजमस्तीको लागि पो
मान्छे कुकुर सबै यसैको लागि बाँच्छन्
यो भनेपछि एक-अर्काको ज्यान नै लिन्छन्
याद गर र त्यो कुरा तँ आफैँले गरिरा'
यस्तै कुरामा तँ उता रमाइरा'

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरले  धेरै बेर सम्म भिडियो हेर्दै कलपना गर्छ।  निकै बेर पछि बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरले भिडियो बन्द गरेर फोनलाई बेल्टमा फिर्ता हाल्छ

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
किन हटाइस् तँ त्यो मजा आइरा'थ्यो
बल्ल त जीउ सिरिंग गर्न थाल्या थ्यो
कत्रो हो त्यो चीज विचित्र
लौ कष्ट पर्यो मलाई आफ्नो भित्र

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
देखिस् तँलाई मजा त आयो नि'
यस्तो हेरिन्छ गरिन्छ कति आफू गए सि'
यहाँको कुरालाई रमाइलो ठान्थिस्
थाहा पाइस् होला अब के गर्या थिस् मिस 
सजिलै खान पाइन्छ, अझै के-के गरिन्छ
यहाँको जीवनको मुर्ख्याँई बुझिन्छ

बेल्ट नबानेको कुकुरः
ओहो यसको लागि के गरौँ त मैले?
कसरी तयार हौँ त्यहाँ पुग्न ऐलेई?

बेल्ट बानेको कुकुरः
केही नगर मुख बन्द राख
अनि मनुष्य दानको सुवास चाख

गयो ब्वाँसो लौ, कुकुर झैँ शहरमा
के अर्थ रहन्छ र खिचे अब तस्विरमा
के यस्तै लोभले पालतु हुन्छन् सबै
के पालतु भइसकेको छु म आफैँ
के थियो यो सपना याँ देखे मैले सत्य
कस्तो जंगल हो यो निस्की हालौँ ऐले!



Sunday, February 19, 2017

For them, By them

Ear clouded by advertisement,
melodies that pierce to provoke
every note drawing closer...
closer to their whistle evermore!

Eyes addicted to digital gleam,
colours to keep at bay
every image sucking underneath...
into a hole to climb up nevermore!

Mind desperate for engagement,
stories to marvelously absorb
well planned to excite-frustrate-absorb!
every single thing well planned
well planned for uniformity forevermore!

State of the Art

I put on my headphones
and go out for a walk
in this busy city:
vehicles, buildings, lights
horns, engines, rants, rallies, television, talks,
listening to:
'8 hours of Birds and River Sounds (No Loop)'.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

A swan still a swan

a white swan
after spending 5 years amongst crows,
is soon floating away
without even a plume black dyed!

This is why we are fools for each other:

That which is death for you,
for me is salvation...
That which is death for me,
is something that is yet beyond even your imagination...

The Sun

Crawling as those stinging 'sects up up on the part
wounds painful and troubling slinging deep down on the heart.
Try to kill one with deadly spray one hundred breed right then and there
watch the bite with concentration pain adds up and you're aware.
'They're here to help you, aid you in this stay'
but they've got no use pitiful game is all they urge to play.
the only way you'll send them off is by simply walking your way
let rest the sun, sense with all you're born;
just walk all night and day!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

and vice versa

Wrong words
spoken with wrong person
at wrong time
in a wrong environment...
and how can you possibly expect to feel right!

A roaring man

Was a kill I was after
I prowled stealthily towards it...
but during my advance
I noticed:
Hyenas, vultures
all kinds of filthy scavengers
and meager predators
the same kill after!
Pumped up though I was
for the first time I noticed
Volition in me...
The choices were clear:
Either continue towards the kill
Or ignore it completely.
I analyzed the circumstances:
If I continue towards the prey
I will have to fight with those mongrels...
and best thing that will happen is I'll own one body
The worst thing hunger!
If I ignore the prey
I will have to fight with my desires...
The worst thing that'll happen is i'll learn a lesson
But The best thing that can happen...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


the spark of reality!
nothing drops you harder to the ground...
Play your sankha over the death of my hope
billion voices already phssing over gravity and me tying rope.
One shot of the syringe containing this realization
and all those who've flied,climbed,dived,had ride,lied,discharged, fried...
dancing with joy
in this colourful, vivid world,
full of peace, flowers and fragrance
and lovers and love and sweet melodies and
positiveness and warmth and gentleness and greatness:
while you:
locked in this hell of a world full of:
traitors; Failure!

Oh You Beauty!
even God failed
I am the testimony...
I am like God
fuck you all!
and the bloody hope is back again
that means got to try yet again...
got to tell success yet again:
God is in me so nothing in vain...

The Longest One Sided Game

The temple bells resonate all around
Priests prepare for divine meal
recite the mantras of yore again
from deep inside a well, a serpent sneaks!

the needful ones amass
the mantras and bells get louder and louder
clouds of metal surround the atmosphere
the serpent stealthily creeps!

'Remember the Lord and hear this...'
if you watch closely you can see them literally shiver.
the priests stare into each others' eyes
They can feel the serpents presence.

'We will ward off that beast',
the head priest yells aloud
'You will finally enjoy your meals tonight'
but he knows the serpent is the reason he is alive!

black clouds and thunder greet the observers
the serpent permeates through out the air.
'Do not look towards him',
the head priest angrily orders...
'I have eaten your Lords meat
now I have become your sole saviour
Yes I have eaten raw your Gods meat! '

Everyone close their eyes and bow
they blindly listen to the hymns
the bells, the chanks...
No one dares to look up towards the serpent
they trust on priests to ward off that impending beast.

If just one had dared to look up towards the sky
He would see the reality of the serpents eye.
The serpent is not at all there to maim
It just wants to expose the priest's game! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

All but humans

There's always been something inside me
not quite deep but nevertheless inside of me
When it goes:
the stars are visible
what the monkey is after is comprehensible
sparrows chirping is suddenly musical.
enough of forcefully trying to fit into man's art
Nature's art is found quite accordable.

Man paints his incompleteness and is desperate to share
Nature paints and she doesn't even care!

I turn up the volumes of man made drones and want them to reveal something to me
(What does man know?)
I pay attention to natures ambiance and the revelation is ready there for me to be...
Never found love from any human, their care is not for me
Nature kind of likes me I found and I have always ignored she!

I have crawled and begged to receive from other humans
but what can they give? What do they have so that they can give?
they've got nothing themselves
for they're all desperate for their own never ceasing greeds.

It is she who is better than all human mothers and lovers
It is she who is above all preachers and teachers
It is she who creates better than all composers and painters.

When it goes:
the stars....
and all doors of possibilities break wide open
But I am a fool
for when it goes
I always rush towards that particular door
of all the doors:
that contains humans!
Ugh! now all but humans

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Was a friend

So while all the friends were proudly saying:
NO to failure,
he simply said:
NO to fame!
NO to morality...
he used to show us this pen he stole from the classroom
and notes and books from libraries
with a relaxed exhalation of cigarette smoke:
I'm simply practicing,
You see, this whole concept of money is immoral and is based on lies
how can they take what is rightfully mine
and call that theirs
and make me suffer to give them something in return
so that I can finally take what is for me God given!
Everything is fair in making money my friends...
Everything is fair to get what is rightfully mine!
Let their law kill me and destroy my presence
I'd rather fight and die miserable
than fill my head with their weak morals...
and I can actually fight them because:
I do not care about their Fame and Prestige...

Too vast to stay

Body is bound,
the heart beats faster
it is the all pervader!
I can't take it
It can't take it anymore.
The dog wails,
Take me away, throw my chains away
Our time is passing away
We've almost reached to the end
there is no point in attachment and stay!
The drumbeat sounds from far away
dance to this tune now it is all that's there
The drumbeat sounds from deep within
dance to this tune now it is all that's there...


Monday, February 6, 2017

You and I move parallely

Since nothing that includes you is of any use to me
I have built my own little shelter just for me to be.
I have hung a warning board outside for you to see:
Do not provoke! If you want maintained your valuable dignity.

Long ago did I learn a lesson that is the essence of me:
Come what may, do not allow yourself to be miserable;
and that is what I call being truly free!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Magic that very few possess

There is a strange similarity between arts cookery & sports
apart from the fact that any Bicky-Dicky can learn them quickly
and even boast having done and earned from them profusely...
but there is something else
something that comes straight from the heart
that cannot be taught, imitated...
that something:
which separates the splendid ones from the Bicky-Dickys!
(and yet the Bicky-Dicky assumes he is the splendid one
until reality hits him ruthlessly in the heart region...Bicky-Dickys!)

Friday, February 3, 2017

I wonder why

I look up towards the sky
and wonder why is it that I cannot fly?
then I turn the pages of all written human lies
and find it is my knowledge that wont let me soar up high.

I gaze upon your eyes
and wonder why is it that I do not feel any tie?
then for a moment I let go of all mies and I's
and find its the poison I am fed that wont let me your nigh.

I pay attention to the cries
and wonder why some have to with misery lifelong identify?
then I let go of all bounding regional racial ties
and find it is the same flag-waving that makes sure some while yet alive die.

I look into the sty
and wonder why so many pigs, such limited supply?
then their smell and filth all of a sudden makes me realize:
it is the overvaluation of life, which makes all harmony and happiness possible in a pigs eye!

The Bhagawad Gita ruined me!

I decided to apply at least one thing that the Gita had to say:
The most glorious way to God is
by working...
working without expecting anything in return.
Thou shalt work and work and work and work with Him in your heart
but shalt not expect anything from that work in return!
and as it turned out:
I didn't get anything as such in return!
so all my fellow worldeans tell me,
'due to the fact that you didn't get anything at all,
you are ruined!'
but maybe there is a slight difference between
their concept of success and mine!
maybe they assume that this world and existence is theirs
in which I have to fit in...

My 'Nation'

Do you want to know how,
the concepts of:
Nations, Nationalism, all forms of government and economic
so-called development and advancement
is concealing the real human freedom and
destroying human potential,
slowly but surely decaying man and everything with it?
Well...guess what:
You can't!
you have to have been born and living
in the so-called 'underdeveloped' Nation (the victim) without
being slave to their concept of Success
for that!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


he is happy:
who is wise.
he is wise:
who knows the only thing worth knowing:
it is not in oceans and tides
mountains and rides
trophies and prides
revelations and hides
children and wives
nation and tribes
it is not in through by from for any of those...
those are merely bonuses and pastimes!