Monday, January 23, 2017

I really really do not understand.

I no longer understand,
When people talk to me:
whether they are being sarcastic or honest!
I no longer understand,
When I stare for a while:
whether life is an opportunity for happiness or deliverance!
No longer understand I:
what the poets write
what the musicians play
what the politicians want!
I don't understand:
those kings of laughter
the television occupiers
the Internet commenters: WHY?
I don't understand:
the filmmakers, the facebook posers,
the youtube teachers/ preachers/ all-knowers/ celebrity-status seekers
the blog text-editors, the horn honkers!
I don't understand your:
biker-man, restaurant man, government- man
guitar-man, Superman, ladies-man, the genius man. 
I don't understand:
the success and failure of a sportsman
let alone a feminist woman.
I imagine the end,
and wonder why!
one God killed, another is made
one King removed, thousand kings bred.
but yet I cannot understand:
from women, what do I want
from life, what do I want
from friends and families what shall I want
from myself what shall I want?
by writing all this what do I want?
I have never understood and
I no longer understand...
why do I insist on going on!
This very concept of life and being;
I really really do not understand.

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