Saturday, April 30, 2016

Don't give,Take

and there are those...
who are concerned with what's happening in other's lives
everything they think and do is concerning those lives
and then..there are those
who are concerned with what's happening in other's mind..
everything they think and do is for those minds..
and then..the worst ones...
the ones who are concerned with what's going on in other's heart
they take their pleasure by inducing something else in the weak's chests..
if you got any choice on being concerned
then be concerned with what is going on in your heart

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rats dont enjoy Beethoven

Oh! How i imagined..
It was with you,
That i would watch the glorious setting sun amidst those seas..
While you begged this moment would never end..
and kissed me every two minutes
How i imagined,
We would be holding our hands together..
On a balcony...
In a rainy night..
Looking at skies and feeling every drop of rain
as it would increase our desire of getting wet..
Oh! How much i desired..
Placing my hand inside your underwear
As you read a book...
And i slowly went to sleep..
Oh! how much i desired..
How much i imagined!
Oh! how much i still desire..
Oh! how much i'm still imagining..
You still in front of a sea..but this time with a t at its end..
embracing the setting sun..
In arms of some bastard..
or some bastard getting an erection seeing your black bra
through your wet shirt..
on a shitty rainy evening...
While you bend down a little so that even your pants would get wet...
Oh! How I'm still imagining..
Some hairy hands with lady fingers.. .
roaming around your just washed asshole after an expensive dinner..
as you are desiring for some diamond ringed fingers....
Oh! how much i'm imagining....
another pair of hairy hands six months later..
As you continuously fart from an even more expensive dinner...
Oh! How much i imagined..
Oh! How much i would be imagining...
but thank myself that i wrote this....
atleast now i can imagine something falser...
for now i know...
the only joy you can take from a setting sun or a falling rain...
Is from the idea of asking for a...
random auto geared lift..

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

सबैकुरा माथीको

तिमी आऊ...
तिम्रा ति विधीका पुराना ओईलाईसकेका,
बासि भईसकेका मानसिकता लिएर...
र म मा छर...गर
तिम्रो गिदीले गर्न सक्ने सबभन्दा उत्कृष्ट कार्यः
तर्साऊ, अत्याऊ, भाँड, देखाऊ, फुर्ती लगाऊ, सिकाऊ, भन, हाँस, उडाऊ..
तर अन्तमा,
यदि कुनै पनि दिईएको छेँडमा
म हाँसी रहेको छु भने,
आफुलाई जुन सुकै तरिकाबाट भए पनि मनोरञ्जन दिईरहेको छु भने,
खुसी हुन सकिरहेको छु भने...
जीत मेरो भयो!
त्यो भन्दा पनि,
खुसी म भएँ!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Thus Spake Spit:

A small light in these dark caves,
for now enough to save from extinction..
slowly..igniting and turning into a dragons breath..
i come from there,
the thought of where itself will frighten you of thinking forever..

the fires will burn and burn..
drift and drift...on its way...
burning the heavens itself...
the same heavens,
you lust for,
and kneel down or bend over for are constructed with codes of geometric perfection
I have been spit due to lack of inclination
if you are an atheist
then i am God
if you contempt on barks
then i am a Dog..
You ascended into the mountains..
i descended into the caves,
for you heavens are dearer
for me darkness is nearer..

Soon..when your mountains and heavens have burned and turned..
into thick dark clouds overhead..
when you finally see what i see..
and shiver at the sight of raw darkness..
i Will be your God...
and show you that light..
and watch as you learn to levitate and rise beyond
and smile at death forever..
bless you!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

सबै छन्, केई छैनन्....केई छैनन्, सबै छन्

घर छन्...ठूला छन्, साना छन्
लुगा छन्...महँगा छन्, सस्ता छन्,
च्यात्या छन्, मैला छन्, सफा छन्
गाडी छन्...साईकल छैनन्
वाहवाही छन्, मतलवै छैनन्,
पाएका छन्, छोएकै पनि छैनन्,
वास्नादार कमिला छन्, गनाउने गुह्य झिंगा पनि छैनन्
समुन्द्र छन्, डाँडा छन्
बोरा चाईनी खालका फोन छन्,
कुनै गोजी मै बिलाउँछन्
प्रशंसा छन्, ईर्ष्या छन्
उद्देश्य छन्, जसले बल्ल अर्थ दिन्छन्
मन छन्, थुक छन्
हाँसो छन्, खिल्ली छन्
फुर्क्या छन्, आत्या छन्
छटपटी छन्...थकाई छन्
आत्मविश्वाश छन्...कँपाई छन्
माया छन्...हेला छन्
भड्काउनी छन्, भड्क्या छन्
जिस्काउनी छन्, रुनी छन्
देखाउनी छन्, ट्वाल्ल परेर हेरिरहने छन्
स्वाङ छन्, भ्रम छन्, फुर्ती छन्, स्तन छन्, दुलो छन्
जसले सारा शारै बोक्या छन्
मान्छे छन्, मेसिन छन्
बल छन्, खेलाडी छन्
थुप्रै कुराहरु छन्।
फेरी यता-कता एक किसिमका ध्वनी बाहेक केई छैनन्..
जसले गर्दा माथी पट्टी
अनन्त खुसी छाउँछन्..
जसपछि ति थुप्रै मध्य केई पनि छैनन्...

थुप्रै कुरा भ'का ठाउँमा अझ ठाउँ छन्,
अझै धेरै अटाउँछन्...
आज यो अटाउनको लागि त्यो हटाउँछन्,
भोली त्यो हटाउनको लागि यो अटाउँछन्..
ति कैले पनि भरिदैनन्....
केई नभ'का ठाउँमा..
केवल एक किसिमका ध्वनी छन्
ति सँधै भर्या छन्।

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

every single moment

How often do we ignore the beats of the heart..
To dance to the tunes from the very soul afar?
How late it is when we understand..
The heart is now old and cold...
And incapable of representing the true self anymore?

Monday, April 4, 2016

नेपालमा संगीतको स्थिती

ब्याच पछि ब्याच,
गीतार काखमा राखि
यो छेउँको स्कुलमा बजाउँछन्...
एक थरी जान्छन् अर्को थरी आउछन्,
तर जो आए पनि त्यै थोत्रो,
त्वाँत्त पार्ने किसिमको धुन बजाँउछन्
त्यै निन्द्र लाग्दो ताल ठटाउँछन्...
नयाँ न- चाहेर कि न-भेटेर?
कैले-काईँ मन लाग्छ भन्नः
नेपथ्य भन्दा पर या उता पनि हेरि हेर न औ....
धेरै रमाईलो कुराहरु भेटिन्छन्...
नयाँ गन्तव्यहरु सुनाई दिन्छन्...
तिमी पनि नयाँ बन्छौँ....
ऐना हेरि गाउन सिकेकाहरुको पाईला के पछ्याउँछौ...
तर फेरी...
ठिकै छ...
किन भन्नु!
ब्लिङ्करस् लगाएर हुर्काईएको घोडालाई पुरै दृष्टिकोणले तर्साउँछ...

lonely and sad no longer

I once was lonely and sad
staring back at the footages of the gone by's
questioning why?who?how?what now?
thinking of all those who took it away from themselves..
trying to be inspired by them...
imagining...wishing...hoping...yet again losing
but then....
all of a sudden.....
it all changed,
when i found her...
a friend i got...
who instead wanted me for a change..
she was happy,
she did everything...
she absorbed me,
and in seconds took my loneliness away...
every single time i went to her..
i forgot of my sadness..
i knew i had found an art of living...
she inspired me..oh hell she did!
it was her....with her that i would live and die..
she will never ever leave me...i know
for she too needs me as much as i do
for she too..removes all her loneliness through me
and fills her belly and pockets by bathing me

Friday, April 1, 2016

dead ones from above

make a small recall
in the back end of a recurring dream
you will notice...
the Gods!
the same gods.. that once weakened
the same gods that made you an atheist
are back..
now they want your disbelief too..
they once spit from the heavens
and made you hate looking upwards
Now they want your liquified gaze too..
but you have the last laugh
your gaze is no more filled by fluids
They've got dust..raw dusts
because of thousand sleepless nights in desert storms
your eyes no longer look up...
they are beyond ups and downs
the gods once made you front of them..
now that you drift like a star..
want to burn your paths
they once again want to feel like gods..
gods always desire to feel like gods
that is what makes them gods..
you are beyond gods
gods are petty...gods are gods
gods are lustful
gods are dogs
you are beyond lust and bones
you are alive
gods are dead