Saturday, July 23, 2016


Your sweet fragrance,
reaching me through invisible airwaves
keeps me awake at nights...
Your all pervading presence,
in the form of piercing rays
penetrates my soul
and creates an aura around
Sorrounding Everything, I am blinded...
If my desires were fleeting,
it would have vanished long ago...
There is a meaning,
This isn't desperation
There is an end
This isn't a soothing notion

Friday, July 15, 2016

मध्यरातको मौसम

द्युतिका उन्मत्त,
मध्यरातमा झल्यास्स ब्यूँझिदा बखतको
गहिरो घाउका बोध सम्यक।
अर्ध स्वप्न पूरा गरी,
तानिएको चुरोटको त्यो स्वादन...
केही बाहिरका कुराका
सबथोक बाट एक-अर्को थोकमा,
केही भित्रका नादका
एक अर्को बिक्षोभबाट,
सर्वत गुञ्जित तालमा
एकताको यो मीठो वचन
एकलताबाट यो असली असम्मूढ।।
एउटा पात त्यो,
वृक्षमा उन्नत

Thursday, July 14, 2016

मे के गर्दै छु?

म पनि छु, यो अस्तित्वमा
कैले काहीं अचम्म लाग्छ,
म पनि छु?
तिमी छौ, ऊ छ, तिनीहरु छन्
हुँदा-हुँदा, ऊ पनि छे!
उहाँहरु त हुँदै हुनुहुन्छ...
सबै ठिक छ...
तर म पनि छु!
सबै कति गम्भीर छन्,
सबै सोची-सोची पाइला चाल्दै छन्
सबै ठोस् कारणले चल्दैछन्
सबै कति गम्भीर भई जीवन बाँच्दैछन्...
सबै बाँच्नलाई ‘कारण’ लाई आधार बनाउँछन्..
सबै यो सृष्टिमा सुन्दरता देख्छन्, गम्भीरता देख्छन्
सबै पर्फेक्ट हुन खोज्छन्,
उनीहरु सृष्टिमा पर्फेक्सन देख्छन्
समयलाई महत्वपूर्ण मान्छन्
आफैँलाई बडो मूल्यवान बनाउँछन्।
तर ए सबै! यहाँ म पनि छु!
यदि सृष्टि पर्फेक्ट थियो भने,
यदि सृष्टिकर्ता गम्भीर प्रवृत्तिको थियो भने,
मेरो अस्तित्व हुने नै थिएन!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Stareway to Heaven

A drizzle,
Under a metallic roof
Sorrounded by
leaves dancing to an unadulterated tune
real ones...
Cool breeze..literally
Not contaminated by drops of global fetish
bulbs...too far away
What else does one need?
while you're there..
Just while you stare...
you are not,
A desiring clockwork

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

My Journey now

as if it is allowed to, bound to
of what is done and
Of what could be done
with will, selves, markets
conflict, forever conflict...
'twin rivers and taps
Tap, rotated...
flowing from it waters of decay..
drunk, with water of decay...
ever increasing thirst
River, flowing calmly
onto its destiny
few drops here and there..
yet onto its destiny
Flee...let go
a new will
yet older than the hills
release, relieve
first relieve...prerequisite for release...
into eternity.
Can't tell what lies...
Should know no lies