Monday, March 6, 2017

Walking around the city on a mid summer day

Walking around the city on a mid summer day
With intent on the heart just too personal to say
Waiting games everywhere for sparks to abray
'Where am I, Where are they' heeds in this impermanent stay.

A ring of smoke through a glass tries to make its way
The glass shatters and so the smoke makes its journey to the ray
An old witch watches all this; she merely wants to play
Oh! that walk around the city on a mid summer day.

Sitting on her broom, she flies up towards her prey
With devious smile she asks the smoke: Where you headed, hey?
I will take you faster wherever it is for I know a shorter way
Just hop into my broom , you won't even have to pay.

The ring of smoke, wise as it was, just ignored the affray
Flew it quietly towards its end, just moved along alday
The Restless witch in frustration, all her secrets did relay
Can't stand loneliness, she said, let me go with you, instead i'll give you a pay.

Off they went, on her broom, close towards that ray
Can't handle it, just not ready yet, I'll come some other day
said the witch with tears in her eyes as she turned to go her way
You've used me well, all well for you, i wish and honestly pray.

So walking around the city on a mid summer day
Never know what you might be, its all a goddamn play
Waiting games somewhere, who told them to obey?
Wrong questions if you ask, you are bound to go astray!

Friday, March 3, 2017

A social analysis.

You know how things they are!
The glass with which the middle aged women see the world
Is the same glass with which the men look around this all
The men are yet to fall!

You know how things they are!
and the younger men(boys) don't even crave for sex with all their heart!
They don't even know anyone bizzare...

You know how things they are!
and now the men with guitar around their shoulder
have put themselves under the same category the mighty ass falls under!
The men are yet to fall
and learn from that all...

The women at least seem to have catched up with the global call
While men are yet to learn from their fall
(damn! The men are yet to even fall).

You know how things to be they are!
no Devkota will be born again
no birds are to find their human friend; a shame!
The clouds will roll, rain rare as a good damn peer
The floods will flow, boat blunt as a thin man's blow.
Mirror oh mirror on the eyes
When will you shatter? You've grown oversize.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

but is it necessary for a fish to know why he is a fish?

And now there's money in his pocket
So confidence in his walks and talks.
Yet he still does not have any idea whatsoever:
Why all this takes place at the first place!

Difficulty lies in sundries.

Living a life is not at all difficult.
Living a desires fulfilled or unfulfilled life
Or a desires eradicated life is!